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Global set

boost::xpressive::set — Used to create character sets.


// In header: <boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp>

unspecified set;


There are two ways to create character sets with the 'set' identifier. The easiest is to create a comma-separated list of the characters in the set, as in (set= 'a','b','c'). This set will match 'a', 'b', or 'c'. The other way is to define the set as an argument to the set subscript operator. For instance, set[ 'a' | range('b','c') | digit ] will match an 'a', 'b', 'c' or a digit character.

To complement a set, apply the '~' operator. For instance, ~(set= 'a','b','c') will match any character that is not an 'a', 'b', or 'c'.

Sets can be composed of other, possibly complemented, sets. For instance, set[ ~digit | ~(set= 'a','b','c') ].
