C++ Boost

Known Problems and Workarounds

This is a list of known problems compiling the BGL for different compilers and versions.
  1. The subgraph adaptor has several known problems:
  2. The EdgeListS parameter to the adjacency list is essentially fixed to listS: other selectors are unlikely to work.
  3. Using a GraphProperty with adjacency_list may cause a VC++ internal compiler error.
  4. Using get(property, graph, edge) may cause a VC++ internal compiler error.
  5. "using boost::tie;" may cause VC++ internal compiler error.

Copyright © 2000-2001 Jeremy Siek, Indiana University (jsiek@osl.iu.edu)
Lie-Quan Lee, Indiana University (llee@cs.indiana.edu)
Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University (lums@osl.iu.edu)