Boost.Python Pickle Support
Pickle is a Python module for object
serialization, also known as persistence, marshalling, or flattening.
It is often necessary to save and restore the contents of an object to
a file. One approach to this problem is to write a pair of functions that
read and write data from a file in a special format. A powerful
alternative approach is to use Python's pickle module. Exploiting
Python's ability for introspection, the pickle module recursively
converts nearly arbitrary Python objects into a stream of bytes that can
be written to a file.
The Boost Python Library supports the pickle module through the
interface as described in detail in the Python Library
Reference for pickle. This interface involves the special methods
__getinitargs__, __getstate__ and __setstate__
as described in the following. Note that Boost.Python is also fully
compatible with Python's cPickle module.
The Boost.Python Pickle Interface
At the user level, the
Boost.Python pickle interface involves three special methods:
- __getinitargs__
When an instance of a Boost.Python extension class is pickled, the
pickler tests if the instance has a __getinitargs__ method.
This method must return a Python tuple (it is most convenient to use
a boost::python::tuple). When the instance is restored by the
unpickler, the contents of this tuple are used as the arguments for
the class constructor.
If __getinitargs__ is not defined, pickle.load
will call the constructor (__init__) without arguments;
i.e., the object must be default-constructible.
- __getstate__
- When an instance of a Boost.Python extension class is pickled, the
pickler tests if the instance has a __getstate__ method. This
method should return a Python object representing the state of the
- __setstate__
- When an instance of a Boost.Python extension class is restored by
the unpickler (pickle.load), it is first constructed using the
result of __getinitargs__ as arguments (see above).
Subsequently the unpickler tests if the new instance has a
__setstate__ method. If so, this method is called with the
result of __getstate__ (a Python object) as the argument.
The three special methods described above may be
individually by the user. However, Boost.Python provides an easy to use
high-level interface via the
boost::python::pickle_suite class that also
enforces consistency:
__getstate__ and
must be defined as pairs. Use of this interface is demonstrated by the
following examples.
There are three files in
that show how to provide pickle support.
The C++
class in this example can be fully restored by passing the appropriate
argument to the constructor. Therefore it is sufficient to define the
pickle interface method
__getinitargs__. This is done in the
following way:
- 1. Definition of the C++ pickle function:
struct world_pickle_suite : boost::python::pickle_suite
getinitargs(world const& w)
return boost::python::make_tuple(w.get_country());
- 2. Establishing the Python binding:
class_<world>("world", args<const std::string&>())
// ...
// ...
The C++
class in this example contains member data that cannot be restored by any
of the constructors. Therefore it is necessary to provide the
__setstate__ pair of pickle interface
- 1. Definition of the C++ pickle functions:
struct world_pickle_suite : boost::python::pickle_suite
getinitargs(const world& w)
// ...
getstate(const world& w)
// ...
setstate(world& w, boost::python::tuple state)
// ...
- 2. Establishing the Python bindings for the entire suite:
class_<world>("world", args<const std::string&>())
// ...
// ...
For simplicity, the __dict__ is not included in the result of
__getstate__. This is not generally recommended, but a valid
approach if it is anticipated that the object's __dict__ will
always be empty. Note that the safety guard described below will catch
the cases where this assumption is violated.
example is similar to
pickle2.cpp. However, the object's
__dict__ is included in the result of
This requires a little more code but is unavoidable if the object's
__dict__ is not always empty.
Pitfall and Safety Guard
The pickle protocol described above has
an important pitfall that the end user of a Boost.Python extension module
might not be aware of:
__getstate__ is defined and the instance's
__dict__ is not empty.
The author of a Boost.Python extension class might provide a
__getstate__ method without considering the possibilities
- his class is used in Python as a base class. Most likely the
__dict__ of instances of the derived class needs to be pickled
in order to restore the instances correctly.
- the user adds items to the instance's __dict__ directly.
Again, the __dict__ of the instance then needs to be
To alert the user to this highly unobvious problem, a safety guard is
provided. If __getstate__ is defined and the instance's
__dict__ is not empty, Boost.Python tests if the class has an
attribute __getstate_manages_dict__. An exception is raised if
this attribute is not defined:
RuntimeError: Incomplete pickle support (__getstate_manages_dict__ not set)
To resolve this problem, it should first be established that the
__getstate__ and
__setstate__ methods manage the
__dict__ correctly. Note that this can be done
either at the C++ or the Python level. Finally, the safety guard should
intentionally be overridden. E.g. in C++ (from
struct world_pickle_suite : boost::python::pickle_suite
// ...
static bool getstate_manages_dict() { return true; }
Alternatively in Python:
import your_bpl_module
class your_class(your_bpl_module.your_class):
__getstate_manages_dict__ = 1
def __getstate__(self):
# your code here
def __setstate__(self, state):
# your code here
Practical Advice
- In Boost.Python extension modules with many extension classes,
providing complete pickle support for all classes would be a
significant overhead. In general complete pickle support should only be
implemented for extension classes that will eventually be pickled.
- Avoid using __getstate__ if the instance can also be
reconstructed by way of __getinitargs__. This automatically
avoids the pitfall described above.
- If __getstate__ is required, include the instance's
__dict__ in the Python object that is returned.
Light-weight alternative: pickle support implemented in Python
pickle4.cpp example demonstrates an alternative technique for
implementing pickle support. First we direct Boost.Python via the
class_::enable_pickling() member function to define only the
basic attributes required for pickling:
class_<world>("world", args<const std::string&>())
// ...
// ...
This enables the standard Python pickle interface as described in the
Python documentation. By "injecting" a
__getinitargs__ method into
the definition of the wrapped class we make all instances pickleable:
# import the wrapped world class
from pickle4_ext import world
# definition of __getinitargs__
def world_getinitargs(self):
return (self.get_country(),)
# now inject __getinitargs__ (Python is a dynamic language!)
world.__getinitargs__ = world_getinitargs
See also the
tutorial section on injecting additional methods from Python.
© Copyright Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve 2001-2004. Distributed under the
Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Updated: Feb 2004.