template <typename T>
point_iterator_type begin_points(const T& polygon) |
Expects a model of
Returns the begin iterator over the range of points that correspond to
vertices of the polygon. |
template <typename T>
point_iterator_type end_points(const T& polygon) |
Expects a model of
Returns the end iterator over the range of points that correspond to
vertices of the polygon. |
template <typename T>
hole_iterator_type begin_holes(const T& polygon) |
Expects a model of
Returns the begin iterator over the range of coordinates that correspond
to horizontal and vertical edges. |
template <typename T>
hole_iterator_type end_holes(const T& polygon) |
Expects a model of
Returns the end iterator over the range of coordinates that correspond
to horizontal and vertical edges. |
template <typename T, typename
void set_points(T& polygon, iterator b, iterator e) |
Expects a model of
Sets the polygon to the point data range [b,e) that corresponds to
vertices of a polygon. |
template <typename T, typename
void set_holes(T& polygon, iterator b, iterator e) |
Expects a model of
Sets the polygon holes to the hole data range [b,e) |
template <typename T>
unsigned int size(const T& polygon) |
Returns the number of edges in the
outer shell of the polygon_45_with_holes. Does not include sizes
of the holes. |
template <typename T1, typename
T1& assign(T1& left, const T2& right) |
Copies data from right object that models polygon_45_with_holes or
one of its refinements into left object
that models polygon_45_with_holes. |
template <typename T,
typename point_type>
bool contains(const T&, const point_type& point,
bool consider_touch=true) |
Given an object that models polygon_45_with_holes and an object that models
point, returns true
if the polygon shell contains the point and one of its holes does not
contain the point. If the consider_touch
flag is true will return true if the point lies along the boundary of
the polygon or one of its holes. |
// get the center coordinate
template <typename T, typename point_type>
void center(point_type& p, const T& polygon) |
Sets object that models point to the center point of the bounding
box of an object that models polygon_45_with_holes. |
template <typename T,
typename rectangle_type>
bool extents(rectangle_type& bbox, const T& polygon) |
Sets object that models rectangle to the bounding box of an object
that models polygon_45_with_holes and returns true. Returns false
and leaves bbox unchanged if polygon is empty. |
template <typename T>
manhattan_area_type area(const T& polygon) |
Returns the area of an object
that models polygon_45_with_holes including subtracting the area of its
holes from the area of the outer shell polygon. |
template <typename T>
direction_1d winding(const T& polygon) |
Returns the winding direction of an object
that models polygon_45_with_holes, LOW == CLOCKWISE, HIGH =
template <typename T>
coordinate_difference perimeter(const T& polygon) |
Returns the perimeter length of an object
that models polygon_45, including the perimeters of the holes. |
template <typename T,
typename transform_type>
T& transform(T& polygon, const transform_type&) |
Applies transform() on the vertices of polygon and sets the polygon to that described by the result of
transforming its vertices. Also applies transform() on the holes
of the polygon. |
template <typename T>
T& scale_up(T& polygon, unsigned_area_type factor) |
Scales up outer shell and holes of an object that models
polygon_45 by unsigned factor. |
template <typename T>
T& scale_down(T& polygon, unsigned_area_type factor) |
Scales down outer shell and holes of an object that models
polygon_45 by unsigned factor. |
template <typename T, scaling_type>
T& scale(T& rectangle, double scaling) |
Scales outer shell and holes of an object that models polygon_45 by
floating point factor. |
template <typename T>
T& move(T& polygon, orientation_2d,
coordinate_difference displacement) |
Adds displacement value to coordinate indicated by orientation_2d of
vertices of an object that models polygon_45 . |
template <typename polygon_type, typename point_type>
polygon_type& convolve(polygon_type& polygon,
const point_type& point) |
Convolves coordinate values of point with the outer shell and holes of an
object that models polygon_45_with_holes. |
This data type is used internally when a 45 degree polygon with holes is
needed and is available to the library user who finds it convenient to use a
library polygon data type instead of providing their own. The data type is
implemented to be convenient to use with the library traits.
geometry_type |
polygon_45_with_holes_concept |
coordinate_type |
T |
iterator_type |
Iterator over vertices point_data<T> vertices of polygon |
iterator_holes_type |
Iterator over hole polygons of type
polygon_45_data<T>. |
polygon_45_with_holes_data() |
Default constructs the polygon. |
polygon_45_with_holes_data& that) |
Copy construct |
operator=(const polygon_45_with_holes_data& that) |
Assignment operator. |
template <typename T2>
operator=(const T2& that) const |
Assign from an object that is a model of polygon 45 with holes. |
iterator_type begin()
const |
Get the begin iterator over vertices of the polygon. |
iterator_type end()
const |
Get the end iterator over vertices of the polygon. |
iterator_hole_type begin_holes()
const |
Get the begin compact iterator over non-redundant coordinates of the
polygon. |
iterator_hole_type end_holes()
const |
Get the end compact iterator over non-redundant coordinates of the
polygon. |
std::size_t size() const |
Get the number of elements in the sequence stored to the polygon,
usually equal to the number of edges of the polygon. |
std::size_t size_holes() const |
Get the number of holes in the polygon |
template <typename iT>
void set(iT begin_points, iT end_points) |
Sets the polygon to the iterator range of points. No check is
performed to ensure the points describe a 45 degree figure. |
template <typename iT>
void set_holes(iT begin_holes, iT end_choless) |
Sets the polygon holes the iterator range of hole polygons. These
polygons in the input range may be either polygon_45_data or
polygon_45_with_holes_data or any type that provides begin and end
member functions to iterate over point_data<T>. |