Pool allocators are found in many programming languages, and in many variations.
The beginnings of many implementations may be found in common programming
literature; some of these are given below. Note that none of these are complete
implementations of a Pool; most of these leave some aspects of a Pool as
a user exercise. However, in each case, even though some aspects are missing,
these examples use the same underlying concept of a Simple Segregated Storage
described in this document.
The C++ Programming Language, 3rd ed., by Bjarne
Stroustrup, Section 19.4.2. Missing aspects:
Not portable.
Cannot handle allocations of arbitrary numbers of objects (this
was left as an exercise).
Not thread-safe.
Suffers from the static initialization problem.
MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel, by Jean J. Labrosse,
Chapter 7 and Appendix B.04.
An example of the Simple Segregated Storage scheme at work in the
internals of an actual OS.
Missing aspects:
Not portable (though this is OK, since it's part of its own OS).
Cannot handle allocations of arbitrary numbers of blocks (which
is also OK, since this feature is not needed).
Requires non-intuitive user code to create and destroy the Pool.
Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques,
by Dov Bulka and David Mayhew, Chapters 6 and 7.
This is a good example of iteratively developing a Pool solutio.
however, their premise (that the system-supplied allocation mechanism
is hopelessly inefficient) is flawed on every system I've tested
Run their timings on your system before you accept their conclusions.
Missing aspect: Requires non-intuitive user code to create and
destroy the Pool.
Advanced C++: Programming Styles and Idioms, by
James O. Coplien, Section 3.6.
Has examples of both static and dynamic pooling, but missing aspects:
Not thread-safe.
The static pooling example is not portable.